Outing to Powderham 12 August 2021

This was not the first walk since COVID was rife in the community. Last week we walked to Exminster and back and before that were several walks to quayside and locally.

Today at Powderham we parked at the cafe and walked through the deer park to the Starcross Road, then past the church and over the hill to the forge and sawmill, and back via lanes to Kenton.

Posting by email

I have found that it is easy to make a post to the website by email. This means that anyone who has the “secret” email address can email a post, including photos, and it will appear in the web site as the latest post. If you have a smartphone, on a contract, you can create a post while out walking. If anyone wants to try it let me know at the next walk. The title of the email becomes the title of the post, so for consistency try to put the date first then destination. The body of the email including pictures goes into the body of the post. Doug tried it with the previous post and it worked fine, although I had to do a bit of editing. If you want to contact me, use the contact form and include your email address.

18 August 2016, Canal and Pearce’s hill

Again we had fewer ladies, some having gone to the Chagford Fair. This gave an opportunity for the men to decide on the route, and it was Mike who proposed that we should go to the canal via Matford marshes, along the canal to Limekilns, and back along the track from Limekilns to the garage near Matford roundabout, up the grassy footpath to Pearce’s hill (with the radio masts), then down to Devon Hotel for refreshment. More pictures in gallery.

At Limekilns
At Limekilns